Annual report and review 2023/2024
Name of Member: Councillor Mary Rayner
Ward: Broadwaters
Section 1: Attendance at Council, Committee and Sub-Committee meetings
Name of Committee No. of meetings held during the year No. of meetings attended
Audit 4 4
Council 5 5
Ethics & Standards 0 0
Licensing & Environmental 5 4
Planning 2 2
Strategic Review Panel 1 1
The calendar of meetings is agreed at the beginning of each municipal year. Occasionally the need arises for additional meetings to be arranged at short notice which not all Members are able to attend due to previous commitments. The table shows only the meetings in the agreed municipal calendar: additional meetings are ignored.
This represents an overall attendance of 94%
Other attendance Number
Period of Extended Absence, (e.g. Maternity leave/Sick leave):
Number of meetings attended as a substitute:
Section 2: Mandatory Training Completed
Training Activity Date attended
Planning Training 15-05-2023
Code of Conduct Training 16-05-2023
Online Audit Training 23-05-2023
Licensing Training 25-05-2023
Generic Session Inc. Safeguarding & Scrutiny 06-06-2023
Audit Committee – Risk management training 20-07-2023
Community Housing: Housing Induction for members 24-07-2023
Emergency Planning & Business Continuity 03-10-2023
Treasury Management Training 13-11-2023
Refresher training Licensing 25-04-2024
Other training Number of modules completed
Core e-learning
Additional e-learning
Cyber security training
Section 3: Community Involvement
SNT Broadwater's Local Police Team
Friends Of Broadwaters
Friends of Baxter Gardens
Friends of St George's Park
Friends of Springfield Park occasionally
Community Housing Group walkabouts and other meetings
St George's Church Coffee Morning and Lunch club
Broadwaters Coffee morning occasionally
Member of Healthwatch
Section 4: Assisting Constituents
Residents contact me on a regular basis via telephone, email, newsletter feedback system or face to face. I walk around the ward quite a bit so people stop me in the street. Their concerns range from fly tipping, dog fouling, planning issues, benefits, and many more.
Many of the concerns have been resolved by signposting residents to other organisations such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, and the hub when they need help with benefits or housing or other concerns.
Reporting and requesting new street waste/litter bins.
Helping residents escalate their concerns regarding derelict buildings and taking it to the Member of Parliament on several occasions.
Helping to get back the missing post boxes from the Royal mail escalating it to the Member of Parliament and to Ofcom, it is now on it third round with Ofcom.
Help some of the community organisations to raise funds for their cause.
Section 5: Supplementary Information
When residents raise concerns with cars parking less than desirable, raise these concerns with the local police team, WFDC enforcement and also at the request of residents put it our quarterly newsletter, as it is a concern of the whole community.
I also include any relevant health issues from Healthwatch that the Residents need to be made aware about.
Being from an educational background, I am currently a Director of Holy Trinity School and have a strong interest in the provision for education for everyone in the Community.