Councillor Information
Annual report and review 2023/2024
Name of Member: Councillor Mary McDonnell
Ward: Broadwaters
Section 1: Attendance at Council, Committee and Sub-Committee meetings
Name of Committee No. of meetings held during the year No. of meetings attended
Council 5 5
Ethics & Standards 0 0
Licensing & Environmental 5 5
Overview & Scrutiny 1 0
The calendar of meetings is agreed at the beginning of each municipal year. Occasionally the need arises for additional meetings to be arranged at short notice which not all Members are able to attend due to previous commitments. The table shows only the meetings in the agreed municipal calendar: additional meetings are ignored.
This represents an overall attendance of 91%
Other attendance Number
Period of Extended Absence, (e.g. Maternity leave/Sick leave):
Number of meetings attended as a substitute:
Section 2: Mandatory Training Completed
Training Activity Date attended
New Members Induction Session 10-05-2023
New Members Code Conduct Training 10-05-2023
Planning Training 15-05-2023
Online Audit Training 24-05-2023
Licensing Training 25-05-2023
Generic Session Inc. Safeguarding & Scrutiny 06-06-2023
Housing Training 15-06-2023
Other training Number of modules completed
Core e-learning
Additional e-learning
Cyber security training
Section 3: Community Involvement
I regularly attend meetings of the Safer Neighbourhood Team for Broadwaters at Kidderminster Police Station, to learn about policing issues affecting Broadwaters. Since October 2023, I have become actively involved in the campaign to save the St George's Park Paddling Pool and served refreshments to children attending the campaign's April Parade and Easter Egg Hunt on 6 April 2024. In the autumn of 2023, I also attended the AGM of Wyre Forest Self Advocacy, to learn about the inspirational work they are doing.
Section 4: Assisting Constituents
As I am a new councillor, I have not yet received a great deal of casework to deal with. However, I have recently been asked to help a resident with a housing issue and am taking this up with Community Housing and the Council on her behalf. I am active on social media and a member of the relevant Facebook groups such as the Friends of Springfield Park, Friends of St George's Park and Horsefair and Proud. This keeps me in touch with what is going on and enables me to take up issues with officers.
I also receive emails directly from residents, such as in January 2024 when a resident contacted me to say that the decorative lights in Broadwaters Park had blown down in a storm and were dangerous. I immediately contacted officers to alert them to the problem, and appropriate action was taken.
Section 5: Supplementary Information
I have assisted St Oswald's School with funding for books and personally donated secondhand books to them for the use of the children. I have also assisted St Mary's School with funding for a second outdoor play area and intend to do further work with St Mary's over the summer months. And I have also helped Homestart Wyre Forest, as a lot of whose customers live in the Broadwaters Ward. I hope to do more work with Homestart in the future as I think they are a real help to families in need.